
Imagine a World with Maxeff Motors

Electricity is a precious commodity. The world pays billions of dollars for it every year. Every goal a person can have somehow depends on it. Cost and lack of access to power has killed so many efforts towards good things. Adventech has invented an electric motor that could change all of that. The Maxeff Motor has addressed the power factor in induction motors that could give low-cost, sustainable electricity to the world. Because ambitious ideas always come before innovations, let's daydream about what the world could look like with Maxeff Motors.

Maxeff Motors Replacing Industrial Induction Motors

Maxeff Motors in industrial spaces from power plants to bottling plants could save the world so many resources, and could give resources to people who previously could not afford them. The motor has a secondary winding system that actually overproduces power. That electricity can be called on to start another motor right next to it. The power of this in an industrial space that needs more than one industrial motor is unparalleled. It could make electricity and products cheaper as a result.

Maxeff Motors in Appliances

You can put a Maxeff Motor in just about anything. Can you imagine your dryer using drastically less energy? How about your HVAC system? This induction motor in your home appliances could go a long way in saving people money. What could people do if electricity were less expensive?